Monday, December 6, 2010
The Old Man
Hemmingway's 'The Old Man And The Sea' was the last thing my grandfather gave me before he passed away years ago.
Only just now did I finally read it, and then I did this quick doodle (and since my doodles are in color now, I feel justified in uploading them!) Sort of to commemorate the occasion, and to continue to explore some new stylistic stuff in Photoshop, and to procrastinate, if I'm being perfectly honest (which one should always be on the internet :p). He's a bit...whiter...than he should be. Alas.
I also just read Blankets for the first time. Heavy stuff, all around.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
So...I have this fandom...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
More Jellybots and a Doodleface

I thought I'd spend a little more time to give this idea it's due. Again, not a huge amount of work here, but I want to keep it simple. I'm starting to figure out the tone I want to strike, visually at least. I should be working on other things...but I figure this is helping to keep me fresh.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Seasons: Requiem
Thursday, September 9, 2010
A Dark and Stormy Night...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Hiccup and Toothless
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Where have I been!?
(I didn't paint this, it's just one of the only pieces of art released for the project I'm working on! all credit to: Scott Duquette)
I know I've been largely absent, and have barely posted art recently...and that which I have has been...well, 'meh'. Alas and alack!
I've sorta sworn off freelance for the time being, since drawing all day doesn't leave much energy or inspiration for drawing all night. I don't know how some people do it!
In the meantime, there's been a little flurry of buzz regarding the project I am working on, so I thought I'd be a little indulgent in my excitement and post some stuff here. If you're interested in tracking with the vagueries and rumors, here's a starter kit:
Firstly, this is ME :D
and this is the news!
and this is slightly older, but kind of neat!
Anyways, I miss you guys! I am still around, and I am always grateful for all your comments and watches!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hello all!
S'been a little while and I am just about ready to see that Christmas post move down a slot.
I haven't had a thing to post in a long time (since all my recent work won't be seeing the light of day for...well...a while). But I did pick up a little freelance project along the way. And I gotta say: I'm swearing it off for the forseeable future. I don't think I am handling freelance very well alongside full-time employ. :( Still, I did have fun with this...between the tears. Oh, the tears.
The writing is all Rich Fogel (two-time-emmy-award-winner, and father of my good friend Andrew) and the pictures are mine. (I still need to update this with the credits in place).
It was my first time ever working with a script from someone's nice because it takes the edge off my perfectionism; I don't have to worry about writing it, and I'm in good hands.
And it's also one of my very rare excursions into the realm of speculative scientific fiction, which I hear is all the rage these days with the youngsters.
It stars my friend's favorite band, The Phenomenauts, in their comic-book debut. They've been trying to break out into fiction for a while and, seeing as they're a sci-fi-rockabilly band, the match seems to be a logical one. If you haven't heard of them, you should definitely check them out here.
A couple of other friends are contributing comics (all written by Rich Fogel) to the project, and it'll be pirched around a bit by the man himself. It would be neat if something actually worked out!
In other news, I've been really enjoying my job like crazy, and now I have a bunch more RISD kids employed all around me. We're all having a good time. It's a little like camp :)
Other than that, not much news...especially news I can talk about. Life is good, God is great.
Much love to you all and, hey, "Science and Honor!"