In two flavors!
I finally made him! He's been rattling around my head for ages.
Just the fact that I did ANY personal work that kept me up till 3 is a big deal. It's been a while!
It's...bittersweet for a variety of reasons. Let's just say I have a lot more time on my hands, and icky-goo is therapeutic.
I'm still keeping information on Jbots pretty quiet, so there's not much I'm going to give you guys about this one. I'm pretty sure that's only a placeholder name. I've toyed with a few...Inkling, Shift, Spectrum, 99, Legion...? Thoughts, anyone?
Just the fact that I did ANY personal work that kept me up till 3 is a big deal. It's been a while!
It's...bittersweet for a variety of reasons. Let's just say I have a lot more time on my hands, and icky-goo is therapeutic.
I'm still keeping information on Jbots pretty quiet, so there's not much I'm going to give you guys about this one. I'm pretty sure that's only a placeholder name. I've toyed with a few...Inkling, Shift, Spectrum, 99, Legion...? Thoughts, anyone?
I've been wrestling with finding my villain for a long time, which is what's been blocking me from doing any Jbots work. But a things fell into place, and I think, at least for the time being, I've got him where I want him.
It's strange how these things happen- a car ride, a few sit-down and sketch sessions, the right song, mood, and the time. The other bots are based on friends of mine. This one's...kind of a self-portrait.
Florence and The Machine can take some credit.
I have a lot of iterations and variations in mind- hopefully it's obvious that his suit is pretty malleable, so he'll be changing shape quite a bit.'ll see.
He's a bit of a trickster. His masks change color and shape, subdividing and flitting around his suit like a school of electric fish. He speaks through them, picking a proxy to fit his preferred tone and emotion. A face for every occasion.
I'm really grateful to have found my footing again re: Jellybots.
Things in that sense have started to pick up again. I've been tossing around ideas and art styles...speaking to some friends. The thought of pixel-art (my age-old mistress) and I had to do something with it. So I tried a quick little Biin :)

Even cuter in tiny squares!
I was going to try my hand at animating her, but then I realized I'm terrible at that. :p
And speaking of Biin! I wanted to show you guys this. It was made for me by one of the better human beings on the planet. It's a stuffed Biin plushie!
Kind of mega-exciting to see a character design turn into something huggable.
One of the greatest gifts of...ever:
Things at work are intense, and I have my hands very, very full there. Which is not likely to change any time soon. It is both exhilarating and exhausting. But at least that part of my world is holding together. For all the other things, there's Bombay Bicycle Club. (the soundtrack to a ray of hope. I've been repeat-1ing this track for, literally, DAYS.)
My best friend Lizzie Moonface has a Kickstarter project she's trying to get off the ground. She's quite close, but she could use the extra push! If you would like to see THIS photographer:
My best friend Lizzie Moonface has a Kickstarter project she's trying to get off the ground. She's quite close, but she could use the extra push! If you would like to see THIS photographer:
Oh, and her real name is Liz Mooney. And if you like her work, you should follow her blog here.
In conclusion, at work we had a meeting. During which I drew an emotional map of me (that day). I am not always this maudlin, but for honesty purposes and because it may be worth a chuckle:
my blog, my face, my rules.
I love you guys for reading and giving me a reason to post. I covet your comments, and read them again and again to make myself feel better about myself, so send em on over :p
A little bit of Psalm 19 to add a little actual beauty to this blog:
I love you guys for reading and giving me a reason to post. I covet your comments, and read them again and again to make myself feel better about myself, so send em on over :p
A little bit of Psalm 19 to add a little actual beauty to this blog:
"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world."