Saturday, March 13, 2010

Where have I been!?

(I didn't paint this, it's just one of the only pieces of art released for the project I'm working on! all credit to: Scott Duquette)

SO: Hi guys!

As usual: sorry for the long delay. :(
I know I've been largely absent, and have barely posted art recently...and that which I have has been...well, 'meh'. Alas and alack!

I've sorta sworn off freelance for the time being, since drawing all day doesn't leave much energy or inspiration for drawing all night. I don't know how some people do it!
Of course, I'm getting the jones for a little personal-work, but I really know that I can only handle it in the tiniest dribs and drabs. Like eggnog!
But I promise you, all of my best effort and energy is going into what I'm employed to do. And you'll get to see it...eventually...

In the meantime, there's been a little flurry of buzz regarding the project I am working on, so I thought I'd be a little indulgent in my excitement and post some stuff here. If you're interested in tracking with the vagueries and rumors, here's a starter kit:

oh, and this...some littlest tidbits about what we're working on are embedded herein!

So that's what's going up. To clarify, there are two projects...I'm on the one codenamed Copernicus. So if you wanna track with that you'll EVENTUALLY see some of the stuff I've been working on :D Still no real proper news and certainly no revealed images. Keep watching them internets!
More than that, I cannot say. But we're pretty pumped on my end. Go team!

Anyways, I miss you guys! I am still around, and I am always grateful for all your comments and watches!

